
Les vars Q4Max
clockEcrit par Poil | clock2006-08-28 00:00:00
Bientôt en FR

cg_logXMLStats - (0 ou 1) - Enables / disables client-side logging of game statistics to a .xml file.
cg_noChatBeep - (0 ou 1) - Enables / disables the beep on chatting.
cg_enemyModel - Specifies the model to be used for opposition players. Example : model_player_marine_cortez
cg_teamModel - Specifies the model to be used for teammates. Example : model_player_marine_cortez
cg_enemyColor - (xxx xxx xxx) - Specifies the color to skin opposition players. Example 255 0 0
cg_teamColor - (xxx xxx xxx) - Specifies the color to skin teammates.
cg_weaponFovEffect - (0 ou 1) - Enables/disables automatic adjustment of the weapon model depending upon the g_fov setting.
cg_blood - (0 ou 1) - When enabled, shows bloodstains, spurts, etc on players.
cg_gibs - (0 ou 1) - explode corpses into itty bitty pieces, when enabled.
cg_deadbody - (0 ou 1) - dead body filter
cg_smoke_RL - (0 ou 1)- show rocket trail smoke.
cg_smoke_GL - (0 ou 1) - show grenade trail smoke.
cg_railstyle - (0 ou 1) - alternate rail trail styles.
cg_ambientEffects - (0 ou 1 ou 2 ou 3) - enable a number of world particle effects
cg_usehitscantint - (0 ou 1 ou 2 ou 3 ou 4 ou 5) - Specifies rail color usage
cg_teamhitscantint - Team rail color
cg_enemyhitscantint - Enemy team rail color
cg_thinshaft - (0 ou 1) - Toggle between q4's default lightning gun beam and a thinner one.
cg_drawcrosshairnames - (0 ou 1) - Enables displaying player names under the crosshair.
g_crosshaircustom - (1 à 24) - Selects the first crosshair
g_crosshairsize - (4 à 100) - Selects the first crosshair's size
g_crosshaircustom2 - (0 à 24) - Selects the second crosshair
g_crosshairsize2 - (4 à 100) - Selects the second crosshair's size
g_crosshaircolor2 - Selects the second crosshair's color
g_crosshairblink - (0 ou 1) - Toggles crosshair blinking
hud_FPS - (0 ou 1) - A better implementation of com_showFPS.
hud_style - Specifies which client HUD to use.
hud_lagometerPosition - (x/y) - position of the net_clientLagOMeter on the HUD.
hud_timer - (-1 ou 0 ou 1) - timer style.
hud_timerPosition - (x/y) - position of the timer on the HUD.
r_vertexlight - (0 ou 1) - Enables Vertex Lighting mode.
s_ambient - (0 ou 1) - Enables / disables world sound effects.
ui_handicap - (0 - 100) - Lowers the health of the player to this value, and adjusts damage done by the player.
ui_autoAction - (demo et/ou ss) - Allows demos and screenshots to be automatically created.
ui_showgun - Toggle inview gun model display mode.
ui_autoswitch - (0 ou 1 ou 2) - Set weapon switching behaviour.


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Développé par Poil - Graphismes de DarkDaV - Icônes sous licence Creative Commons (famfam, nuovo ...)
Durée de génération : 1.224189043045 secondes