X-Battle - Ce faire une petite config sympa |
Ecrit par Poil | 2006-05-01 00:00:00 |
Ce faire une configuration potable sous X-Battle : seta hud_drawTeamOverlay "2" seta hud_teamOverlayDrawSelf "0" seta r_skipWorldFX "31" s_altEnemySounds "1" s_ambient "0" seta r_ambientLightOnly "1" cl_q3Zoom "1" g_simpleitems "1" cl_altSimpleitems "1" cl_gibs "0" cl_blood "0" cl_weaponBobbing "0" cl_viewBobbing "0" cl_nomip "1" seta g_gunZ "-40" seta g_gunY "0" seta g_gunX "0" cl_autoAction "7" cl_useScreenShotJPEG "1" com_showFPS "1" Bien entendu tout ceci n'est qu'une question de goût, mais cette base vous servira à avoir une vrai config de pro (contrairement à la mienne) En sayteam, les commandes suivantes sont utilisables (bind z sayteam #x): #A - armor - your current armor value #D - damaged by - the last player which attacked you. #h - health - your health ( uncolored ) #H - health - your health colored by value #I - nearest item - the nearest item #P - picked up - the last item you picked up. #U - powerups - lists all powerups the player is currently wearing #w - weapon - player weapon as shortext. like RG for RailGun etc. #W - weapon - player weapon as icon. #L - location - your current location. |
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