Le changelog est immense, on retiendra surtout la compatibilité avec la version 1.4.* de Quake4 !
Pour le télécharger c'est par ici !
GPM, a Promode:
- CPM like movement and weaponbalance
- Own tired armour system
RFM, a Railonly mode:
- Faster gamespeed
- Jumping rail, single ricochets, double ricochet, tripple ricochet, normal rail, push rail etc..
- No items
Added _fast huds with better drawing performance
Added back the command g_tinyRail
Added command to turn on or of a visportal (map debugging purpose)
Added detail level to all projectiles to be able to remove effects using bse_scale
Added improved debughud 2,3,5,6,9,10,11 (r_showDebughud X)
Added improved simple interaction with better handling of lighting (r_useSimpleInteraction)
Added gamma.exe to the gtr folder to fix gamma if game crashes.
Added possibility to add and kick bot on the server from the client
Added possibility to specify team for the bot
Added shader with ambient fix and better graphics, no more hard fake strange shadows (Thanks Sikkpin)
Added shakedata to missing sounds
Added two new weapons for Q4W mode. Supershotgun and Supernailgun
Added quake4_map_editor.bat to GTR folder to easier start the editor
ArcTangent function to scripts.
Basic binds for CTF and TDM
Check for teamready so it can be turned on or off by si_teamReady
Check for adding bots so it can be turned on or off by si_bots
Check for maps missing aas file so server doesn’t crash when adding bot.
Clientside crosshairs support, using 64×64, 32bit tga files
Coolskins: 3 different colors on the model which can be changed seperatly (alpha)
eSabot on online server
Feature to show once capped how long flag was held in seconds
Icon file to be used with shortcuts etc.
Implement single light color feature
Implementation of statistics page under main menu
Implemented cl_deathAnimation variable
Implemented demo recording popup as a matter of GUI comprehension.
Implemented si_healthDownPulse and si_armorDownPulse variables
Improved lighting performance (r_lightTreshold)
- CA map 1 (3 arenas, 1v1, 2v2, 4v4-6v6)
- Defrag 1 & 2
- GPM 1,2,3,4,5
- Midair 1,2,3,4
- Q4wxs1_rev (Silly railings)
Models: Keel and Doom
Multivote menu
New HQ simple icons (512×512)
NiceDemo feature (demos can be played without the need of all pk4 files the server had)
Optimized code for shadowing
Option to force a model, skin and sound
Player statistics in duel.
Possibility to use % and ” in chat (Special Characters)
Quake 4 1.4.2 Support
RA4 Map support (Only one room at the time, atm)
Reference file for maps
Runtimers work over network too.
Scoreboard: Average pings for team scoreboards
Scoreboard: Damage column to CA scoreboard
Scoreboard: Deathmatch have 2 new colums: EFF and FPH
Scoreboard: Duel scoreboard (no more DM scoreboard in duel)
Scoreboard: Gametype being played
Scoreboard: Number of caps
Scoreboard: Winning team above loosing team
Snow effect to the freezetag gamemode
Support for fastcaps (just open a ctf map in defrag mode and capture the flag)
Support for movieedit
Team overlay information about team mate status (dead or alive)
Teamready to ready the team the caller is on.
Thirdperson death, looking at the killer
Timer/clock position cvars
Trickjump hud
Warmup counting frags
Welcome page
‘Join Team’ announcement plays at wrong times
After vote is called (return control back to game)
Alternate spawn for trickjump maps (TJ home)
Ammo is not used during warmup
Bad display of showspeed and showjumps
Change color of top left players list for DUEL and DM game type
Cleaner loadingscreen
Color on two of the strogg cool skins to reflect the rest.
Crosshair update times
Display weapon decals even when bse_scale set to 0
Drowning damage interval from 3s to 2s and raised damage step from 5 to 6
Female marine skin look more feminine
Game menu now opens faster
GPM buildup (more speed, different projectiles etc)
Grappletrail thinner
Grenade triggering in GPM
GPM timer shows XX for seconds except when under 1 min left. (Duel)
GTR Cache, added more items to be cached.
Health and Armour values changed in CA
Hitsounds, now works switching between XGO and BaseQ4
How game starts, what get’s loaded or not
Hud-chatlog stay 1.5 seconds longer
Improvements on the accel/decelbar
Indication of frozen players in freezetag.
Lights to work properly with nopicmip
Loading screen has map name shifted out of the screen
Loadingscreens on all GTR maps and coloring on the [GTR] text.
Made chatlog look nicer
Made videochanges menu more safe.
Maxammo of railgun in gametyp GTR to 25.
Menu nameing
Moved crosshair update to once per second function
No hard landing sounds in CA
Number of elements in the menu (Removed unused ones)
Optimized RFM with some changes
Overlapping hud elements
Removal of GTX due to GPM implementation
Removal of proskins.
Removed cl_nomip cvar, effects and models are nopicmip now by default
Renamed cl_deathAnimation to cl_deathCamera
Scoreboard: Appearance changes (colors and column sizes)
Scoreboard: CA collums
Scoreboard: Number of characters for nickname and clan
Splitted si_traineeMode into si_freeStyle and si_weaponMode
Teamoverlay design
Teleport and jumppad sounds have a bit longer falloff distance.
Time column should display time in game, for spectators time in spec mode
Timeout to work with all gametypes except FFA
TJ H0m3 merged two versions to get 2 more rooms to the map.
Warmup doesn’t count frags
Weapon skins to have better coloring (To match projectiles etc).
Weapon switch time removed on Q4W
Wrong named cvars & gui descriptions
“player is not ready” message after game start
Added .DDS files so image_useCompress.. can be used and speeds up game a minor bit.
Added .DDS files to custom made maps
Bots not firing after game start
Buggy projectile water detection
Callvote manager crashing after exit from game on dedicated server
Cannot change own player model
Cannot see crosshair after video setting change
Clanarena: 5 sec countdown phase
Clanarena: How many players alive?
Colors of non-team based hud elements
Coolskin 2 piece models cannot change color on head
Crash when looking through player models
Crosshair not showing up after mapchange
Crosshairs having no alpha with image_downsizelimit below 32
DDS images making game crash when using ATI and Windows 7
Fixed autoconfig functionality, now it is executed after server.cfg execing
Flag Carrier doesn’t see the flagtrail
Footsteps when tapping
Fov setting (entering with keyboard in menu)
Grappeling through teleport on Dedicated server.
Grenade explotion doesn’t show when direct hit.
Hud flickers when picking up ammo/items
Hyperblaster spinup problem for gtr/gtx/gpm
Image_downSize behaviour for weapons, hud icons, flags, teleports etc.
Invisible enemy
LG beam is not shown when firing 1 cell
Lipsync for head crashing game when selecting model
Made g_announcerDelay actually work.
Missing “you win/lose” messages
Missing CTF messages
Models, can’t change own model
No win/loss stats when game finished during ctf
Overlapping Hud text fields
Precache of files in Quake 4
Problem with popups and page interaction in the menu.
QuakeWorld: HB is firing Nails
R_lightTreshold value is stored in demo
Removed most of the console warnings when loading mod and maps.
Scoreboard has broken Net and Time columns
Script compiler so you can load RA4 maps and normal maps with scripts.
Shakedata on sounds missing
Showfps drawing unreadable text with picmip
Slow loadingtime on mod
Slow team/ready
Sound issue when shooting at water with shotgun
Sound issue when sliding/crouching/walking through water.
Sounds missing on female models
Sounds not working when falling into puddles
Stuck on gametypes
Stuttering when first usage of an map item, weapon etc..
Teleport: Grappeling hook through teleport
Teleport: Spectator height when exiting teleport
Turning of hud now also turns of FPS in upper right corner
Vertical rampjumps / dropdown
Voteing for 1F_CTF or 1F_ACTF without maps supporting it will crash server
When 2 clients join the server, 2nd sees the 1st in marine team, although 1st is in spec